MS in Computer Science at New Jersey Institute of Technology

I joined Njit's Computer Science program in September 2019 immediately after my Bachelors Degree . I gained a good knowledge in programming concepts during my undergraduate studies , Learned about the importance of Data Structures , Algorithms and Database Storage. This helped me to develop an interest and pursue further studies to establish a strong foundation . During my Master's Degree , I have participated in hackathons and Coding contests and have developed an affinity towards Learning new Technology .
CGPA : 3.43/4.0
- Cs-608 Cryptography and security
- Cs-631 Data Mgmt Systems
- Cs-645 Security and Privacy Systems
- Cs-602 Advanced Java Programming
- Cs-610 Data Structures
- Cs-656 Internet and Higher Layer Protocols
- Cs-630 Operating Systems and designs
- Cs632 Advanced Database and systems design
- Cs-683 Software Project Management